
01782 847952

Online Calculators

Use our free handy tax calculators to calculate loans, VAT, mortgages and more

Our calculators

APR calculator

Calculate the annual percentage rate (APR) on your loan.

CIS tax deduction calculator

Calculate CIS Tax Deductions.

Fuel costs calculator

Find out how much you spend on fuel per year.

Gross profit calculator

Work out your gross profit and gross profit margin.

Loan calculator

This calculates tax payable on dividends (for example if deciding how much to pay out of your company).

Millionaire calculator

Find out how long it will take you to become a millionaire.

More profit calculator

Find out how you can create more profit.

Mortgage calculator

A quick and easy way to calculate your mortgage payments.

Savings calculator

Calculate the rate at which your savings will grow.

Startup calculator

How much funding you will need to support your new business startup?

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